Easy & Clean Utility Room Solutions from Schuller

Schuller are innovating the kitchen and utility room game, by combining the two with clever storage solutions to maximise the space in your kitchen, no matter what the shape or size. Often newer houses or smaller apartments don’t have a utility room or basement anymore, so it is essential to fit as much into the kitchen area as possible. Therefore, Schuller have designed a multi-function utility room, catered to your needs with perfectly planned areas for washing, keeping provisions and other items, recycling and preparing things.

Here are some of the key features that Schuller have considered when designing their multi-purpose kitchen/utility room:

Perfect Cleaning

Were you under the impression that appliances such as washing machines and tumble dryers must be on the floor? Well not any more, with raised appliances and pull-outs for resting washing baskets your life has just been made much easier! Everything is fitted to save space and planned to optimise workflow.

Tall storage units with pull out cupboards containing everything that you need to do the washing make your life easier, alongside designated laundry sorting slots to pass your washing through into baskets. A special tall unit can also be included, to hold ironing boards, vacuum cleaners, brooms, mops and much more.

More Space

Schuller have managed to fit more space into less room with clever space saving storage, for things you need everyday but may not want to show. These optimised storage solutions include cupboards, draws and shelves to maximise space for storing everyday household goods.

Smart Recycling

In this modern day and age, recycling is more important than ever, and it is no longer a case of simply throwing our waste away. Schuller have designed a simple yet effective way of hiding waste and recycling as well as making it easy to sort and take away with special recycling units and bags


You can find more kitchen ideas and inspiration here >>

Read more about the Schuller Easy & Clean utility room storage solutions here >>

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